كتاب يسرد قصة إمبراطورية رجل دين برازيلي: كنيسة وبنك وحزب سياسي

ترجم المقال من موقع الأصوات العالمية باللغة البرتغالية. يمكنك قراءة المقال الأصلي هنا مع عمر يناهز 75، يمتلك رجل الدين البرازيلي إدير ماسيدو إمبراطورية: يمتلك ثاني أكبر شبكة تلفزيونية في البرازيل (تلفزيون ريكورد)، حزب سياسي (الجمهوريون)، بنك رينر، كما يقود أحد أقوى المجتمعات المسيحية الجديدة في العالم، الكنيسة العالمية لملكوت الرب المؤسسة من قبله في …

الأصوات العالمية في زمن كوفيد-19

كمجتمع معتاد على العمل عن بعد، كأفراد لسنا في مأمن من آثار التغييرات التي تحدث على العالم خلال جائحة كوفيد-19

Human connections will always beat Google Translate

Learning another language is worthwhile for its insights into new ways of thinking

Posso te enviar meu currículo?

Posso te enviar meu currículo? Muito provavelmente  você já ouviu essa pergunta e, se não ouviu, talvez seja você que esteja perguntando isso para as todo mundo que encontra pela frente. Diariamente recebo inbox de gente pedindo que eu dê uma olhada no seu CV e envie para algum contato meu.  Posso contar uma verdade inconveniente? Por mais que …

10 reasons why Brazilians love Donald Trump

Via Robert M. Richeson, G3PL Brazilians are always asking me about President Trump so I decided to pass on their comments when I would ask them what they think. Their mainstream media had them deceived at first but I showed them how to logically determine what is fake and true. At first they were very …

Quanto cobrar por uma tradução?

Por Jorge Rogério Penha Rodrigues no Linkedin Quando alguém pergunta (em geral, iniciantes) nos grupos de tradução do Facebook quanto cobrar por uma tradução, quase sempre aparece quem sugira cobrar pela tabela de preços orientativos do SINTRA (Sindicato Nacional dos Tradutores), que está aqui: https://www.sintra.org.br/valores-de-referencia-2018/ Só que essa resposta, na prática, é a melhor maneira …

5 Reasons Why the Localization Industry is Built Backwards

Written by Gabriel Fairman, the founder and CEO of Bureau Works. Doctors, lawyers, accountants and other specialized professionals enjoy the privilege of charging hundreds of dollars an hour for their expertise. Translators do not. Why is that? 1) Supply vs. Demand It takes a lot of money and time to become a doctor. Anyone who …

Female Brazilian legislator attacked on social media for revealing outfit

This Post was originally written  for Global Voices For her state legislature inauguration on January 31, newly-elected Brazilian deputy Ana Paula da Silva wore a bright red dress and jewelry. She posted a photo of the occasion on her Facebook and, on the next day, she woke up with a flurry of hateful comments. The reason: her cleavage. …

A Syrian Artist Reimagines the World’s Powerful Leaders as Vulnerable Refugees

This Post was originally written  for Global Voices With the image of the "vulnerable" refugee dominating media coverage, Syrian painter Abdalla Al Omari wished to flip the script and show the world how powerful politicians would look like if they weren't so lucky. Enter "The Vulnerability Series". He initially launched the series in Brussels, Belgium, in 2016 where he was granted asylum and …

مبادرة تجمع الأطفال السوريين والفن برازيلي لتزيين مدرسة مخيمهم

المقال الأصلي بقلم ساولو فالي بتاريخ 24 أبريل/نيسان 2017 أخذت المبادرة - التي تستحق الكثير من التشجيع - مجموعة من فناني الشارع البرازيلي الشباب، للقاء فنانين وناشطين من بلدان مختلفة تتعرض لصراعات المسلحة. يحاولون فيها تحويل مخيمات اللاجئين لمدرسة حياة صافية من الفن والكثير من الألوان! "الكرفان السحري" هو مشروع اجتماعي تم تأسيسه عام 2013 …